Interactive learning: Five reasons why you should share your instructional designs

by admin on May 10, 2010

Here’s 5 reasons why you should share your instructional designs:
  • You’ll get a great design in return.
  • You’ll learn something about best practices for design.
  • You’ll get very specific answers to your quesitons.
  • You’ll have access to a custom-made knowledgebase.
  • You’ll experience interactive learning on a whole new level.

Interactive learning

If you’re riding the next wave of learning and development, then you’ve probably been experiencing interactive learning on a whole new level.
We’re not talking about interactive learning like simulation videos that prompt you to make choices along a decision tree. We’re talking about interacting with other people.

Learning is a social act.

In the workplace, we currently refer to the social units as communities of practice (COP, and I promise this is the only acronym I will ever use, so help me GOD.)
Given a network of good minds, learning how to do your job better, faster, smarter is like joining a conversation with fellow professionals in your field. There is no more efficient and effective way to communicate with fellow professionals today than on the Web.
  • The scale is worldwide.
  • The availability is always on.
  • Usability is getting better with each new social media app.

Interactive learning is the next wave.

Let’s face it, the Internet is the tsunami of our age. And interactive learning is
  • a wiki — check out Wikipedia
  • a blog — short for web log, a collection of live comments made on a website
  • a live chat  — a digital conversation in real time
You can put your question or comment “out there” (or you can lurk.) The response you get is not the product of a program, but a human being. And any neuroscientist will tell you (if you ask her) the mind understands syntax, while a program cannot.

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